
Installing a new language in Zimbra 5.x

This is a short post describing how I’ve installed a new language pack to a Zimbra (ZCS) 5.0.10 installation to enable norsk/norwegian language. Download your desired language pack, in my case it was a Norwegian translation from the I18N/L10N – Translations Zimbra forum. Unpack the translation files Copy the translated files to your Zimbra server […]

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Export Zimbra account info

Export userinformation from Zimbra # su – zimbra # zmprov gaa -v|egrep ‘cn:|sn:|displayName|givenName|zimbraMailDeliveryAddress|zimbraMailForwardingAddress|zimbraAccountStatus’|grep -v zimbraAdminSavedSearches Output cn: Ola Normann displayName: Ola Normann givenName: Ola sn: Normann zimbraAccountStatus: active zimbraMailDeliveryAddress: zimbraMailForwardingAddress: …

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chkrootkit: false positive on port 465

On my Debian Etch server I’ve got Zimbra Open Source Edition mail solution installed and when I use chkrootkit to scan for rootkits it reports the following Checking `bindshell’… INFECTED (PORTS: 465) After a quick research I realized that this port 465 is SMTP over SSL on a Zimbra installation. Further investigation reveals that port […]

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Alias root mail to an Zimbra account

To receive root mail from the server I’ve had to make a change in the /opt/zimbra/postfix- file. Uncomment the following line root: The postfix daemon have to reread it’s config files before this change is recognized. Do the following as zimbra user /opt/zimbra/bin/postfix reload

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Problem sending e-mail from console

After installing Zimbra 5.0.x on my Debian Etch 4.0 server some of my shell scripts couldnæt send mail anymore. The reason to this behaviour was that I hadn’t removed the Exim mail server package, and I wouldnt do it either. The solution to this problem was to remove exim or locate the sendmail binaries and remove […]

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