
Installing Vagrant on CentOS 7

This short post describes how to install the latest version of Vagrant using the libvirt provider on a fresh CentOS 7 (Minimal install). I will not do any security measures to harden this config, anyway not in this post. Vagrant supports different providers in addition to libvirt, like VirtualBox and VMware. I prefer libvirt because […]

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Virtualize physical Ubuntu linux server

This post describes how to create a bit for bit copy of a Ubuntu 14.04 LTS server using tools like gddrescue and qemu from a Ubuntu Live-CD. This procedure can actually be used to create a copy of any operating system, not just Ubuntu. This could probably have been done more easily and faster using […]

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VMware ESXi host tips

Some of my VMware notes in short form, just publishing it since it has been in my drafts folder too long. Remove virtual adapter ala vmk0 # esxcli network ip interface remove -i vmk1 Configure IP on vmk # esxcli network ip interface ipv4 set -i vmk3 -I -N -t static List vmk […]

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Installing Open vSwitch on CentOS 7

This post describes how to install the most recent version of Open vSwitch (ovs) on CentOS 7 and might be the base for future posts about using KVM as virtualization platform. Open vSwitch is a production quality open source software switch designed to be used as a vswitch in virtualized server environments. A vswitch forwards […]

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Backup VMware ESXi using BazaarVCB

This post describes how you can backup your VMware ESXi home installation with free license using BazaarVCB if you do not have a vCenter Server available. Bazaarvcb is the fastest backup solution I have used on the free VMware hypervisor. Download the latest version from the download page. The backup script is run by crontab […]

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