
VMware ESXi host tips

Some of my VMware notes in short form, just publishing it since it has been in my drafts folder too long. Remove virtual adapter ala vmk0 # esxcli network ip interface remove -i vmk1 Configure IP on vmk # esxcli network ip interface ipv4 set -i vmk3 -I -N -t static List vmk […]

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Backup VMware ESXi using BazaarVCB

This post describes how you can backup your VMware ESXi home installation with free license using BazaarVCB if you do not have a vCenter Server available. Bazaarvcb is the fastest backup solution I have used on the free VMware hypervisor. Download the latest version from the download page. The backup script is run by crontab […]

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Install free VMware 5.1 Hypervisor on HP Z600

This is just some short notes on how you can manage to install the free VMware 5.1 Hypervisor on a HP Z600 Workstation. I assume you have already downloaded the installer from As always when you would like to utilize virtualization in your CPU you have to enable the following BIOS settings Advanced Chipset […]

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Howto enter VMware ESXi license key after it has expired

“Disable VMware ESX” is the warning message that is displayed when you open your VMware vSphere Client after the 60-day evaluation period has expired without typing in a new license key for your free VMware vSphere Hypervisor 5 install. You cannot type in the license key in the vSphere Client after the evaluation period has […]

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VMware Tools one-liners using PowerCli

This short post is about VMware Tools on VM guests running in a vSphere 5.x cluster/hosts. This PowerCli one-liner creates a list of VM guests where the VMware Tools CDROM/ISO is mounted: (Get-VM | Get-View | Where {$_.Runtime.ToolsInstallerMounted}) | % {$_.Name} Unmount the VMware Tools installer CDROM on all VM guests. This is useful to […]

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