
Create a photo collage using imagemagick

I use imagemagick to create index images to my photo albums to get a quick overview without looking through all the pictures. This is how I create a simple photo collage using imagemagicks montage command montage -label ‘%t\n%wx%h’ -resize 150×150 ‘*.JPG’ -geometry +3+3 -tile 3x -frame 5 _Index.JPG

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Extracting images from Adobe Acrobat PDF file

This is a short example of how to extract images from a PDF file using ImageMagick # convert thePDFfile.pdf page-%03d.png # ls page* page-000.png page-001.png page-002.png Imagemagick can also be used to create Adobe Acrobat PDF documents convert DSC* resultFile.pdf The resultfile contains one image per page.

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Photo etc

Resize and watermark images using Imagemagick

This is a modified version of my Resize of images in a folder with imagemagick post back in February. Only difference this time is that i strips out EXIF tags and the script has been cleaned up a bit. Click on the image to see the result in full size. #!/bin/bash # Description: # Script […]

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Create a photo montage using imagemagick

This is a little bash script I put together to create a photo montage with 5 resized pitures in max 3 rows using imagemagick. The script is run from within the folder I have filled with the JPG images I want to create a montage from. #!/bin/bashfor image in `ls *.JPG`  do    convert -resize […]

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