
Rename files in a folder to lower-case using perl

This is a simple oneliner to rename files to lower-case using perl # perl -e ‘rename($_, lc) || warn “$_: $!\n” for @ARGV’ * You can also do this recusively using find and perl # find . -type f -exec perl -e ‘rename($_, lc) || warn “$_: $!\n” for @ARGV’ {} \;

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‘tail -f’ with highlight

This is an example of how you can use tail with colors. # tail -f /var/log/maillog | perl -pe ‘s/colorthisword/\e[1;32;40m$&\e[0m/g’ The ;;; values explained 0 all attributes off 1 bold 32 foreground green 40 background black “colorthisword” can be any perl regular expression: (foo|bar) highlight the strings foo and bar \b((foo|bar)\b highlight the words foo […]

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Script to customize a linux install

This is a simple bash script I whipped together to make som custom changes on our linux installations, it can be used as a kickstart post-configuration file for RedHat RHEL4 and RHEL5 installations. #!/bin/bash # Enable daily updates of the locate database perl -pi -e ‘s/DAILY_UPDATE=no/DAILY_UPDATE=yes/’ /etc/updatedb.conf # Customize login banners echo “Authorized users only. […]

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Determine false positive from rkhunter

I’ve installed rkhunter, a rootkit checking script, on a Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbons) distro and today it mailed a message saying that 3 files had their properties changed. The files were /usr/bin/chattr, /usr/bin/lsattr and /usr/bin/perlBefore doing anything I tried to update rkhunter to see if there had been any updates to fix this message rkhunter –update […]

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Set photo filedate and time according to EXIF info

Sometimes a image files creation date is wrong and have to be corrected. This is a script I use to set a files creation date to the photos date retrieved from EXIF tags. The exiftool program should be available to run this script. #!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; $|++; use Image::ExifTool qw(ImageInfo); use Time::Local; for my […]

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