
Secure browsing with Firefox and SOCKS v5

This post describes how you can setup secure web browsing using Firefox3 and by setting up a SSH tunnel from your PC/host to a remote PC/host. Your PC will then act as a local SOCKS proxy and all applications that supports SOCKS5 interface to this port. This is a handy solution if you are on […]

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Share a bash session using screen

This is a short post on how you can “share” a bash session/prompt with other users. User A connects to the server and types in the command # screen User A hist the key combination <Ctrl + a> and the type :multiuser on User B connects to the same server as user A and can […]

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Using vlogger to split Apache logs

Vlogger is a program that handles large amounts of virtualhost logs and splits it to separate files. This is a short HOWTO to configure it using Apache. Install vlogger in debian etch # aptitude install vlogger Make sure you have working Apache server Configuring vlogger Change the LogFormat line (there are multiple LogFormat lines – […]

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Using arp_announce

It is possible to control which source address is put in to ARP headers using the ARP_ANNOUNCE option in the kernel. It takes the following values. 0 (default) Any local address 1 Use address from the same subnet as the target address 2 prefer primary address. This is worth knowing because the default can give […]

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