
Backup of Zimbra MailBox using zmmailbox

This is a short script I use to backup the Zimbra mailbox content for my users. This has been used on a Zimbra Collaboration Server (ZCS Open Source Edition) 7.2 installation, but should work on earlier versions as well. I use another script to backup the whole Zimbra installation, but that might be another blog […]

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Migrate Zimbra mail filter rules between servers

This is a short HOWTO migrate Zimbra mail filter rules from one server to another or even copy the rules from one user and import them to another. These commands are useful to use when you migrate user accounts between servers since mail filters are not migrated using the Zimbra to Zimbra migration script, zmztozmig […]

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Zimbra distribution list commands

This is just a short post describing Zimbra distribution list (mailinglist) commands. These commands should be run as the zimbra user # su – zimbra List all distribution lists # zmprov gadl Print only members addresses of a distribution list # zmprov gdl | grep zimbraMailForwardingAddress: | awk {‘print $2’} Show if a list […]

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Configure mutt for Zimbra and IMAP

This post describes how to configure the command line e-mail client mutt to use your Zimbra IMAP mailbox. Open the text file .muttrc, located in your home directory. If it does not exist, create it. Add or replace the following lines with your own user ID: set spoolfile=imaps:// set folder=imaps:// set If you would […]

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