
Network upgrade Ubuntu Server 8.04 to 8.10

This post describes how I upgraded my Ubuntu (Hardy Heron) 8.04 server installation to (Intrepid Ibex) 8.10 from the command line. First you’ll need to make sure you are running the latest packages # sudo aptitude update # sudo aptitude safe-upgrade Then you will need to install the Ubuntu upgrade package # sudo aptitude install […]

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Zimbra upgraded from 5.0.1 to 5.0.2

Today, my Zimbra installation was upgraded from version 5.0.1 to 5.0.2 on my Debian Etch 4.0 server. It looks like everything is working properly after the upgrade. Short description of the upgrade prosess Stop Zimbra and make sure every process has stopped # su – zimbra # zmcontrol stop # lsof | grep opt | […]

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Upgrade from Fedora Core 7 to Core 8

This is the steps I took to upgrade a running Fedora Core 7 installation to Core 8 using yum from the command line. Please note that live upgrades are not recommended by the Fedora Project. Make a list of the systems current packages for later reference: rpm -qa –qf ‘%{NAME}\n’ | sort | uniq > […]

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Updating WordPress using a bash script

If you have shell access to your webserver this script can be used to upgrade your WordPress installation to the latest version quickly. Always remeber to backup your database and installation files before running it! Do change the bold text to reflect your WordPress Internet address before you run the script. #!/bin/bash CURDIR=$(pwd) SITE=”” echo […]

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