
Secure browsing with Firefox and SOCKS v5

This post describes how you can setup secure web browsing using Firefox3 and by setting up a SSH tunnel from your PC/host to a remote PC/host. Your PC will then act as a local SOCKS proxy and all applications that supports SOCKS5 interface to this port. This is a handy solution if you are on […]

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Fix slow SSH login

Add the following line if your SSH login takes a long time on your SSH server. File /etc/ssh/sshd_config: UseDNS no Restart the SSH daemon to activate this change.

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Mounting remote filesystems using SSH and Debian

This post describes how to mount a remote filesystem through SSH using the shfs kernel module on a Debian Etch server. By doing this I can access the remote filesystem as if it was a local filesystem and also use my local tools and software. This is a short description of how I made a […]

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