
Copy EXIF information from one file to another

This is a short post about how to duplicate or copy the EXIF information from one file to another using exiftool. The command comes handy when you have one image with EXIF information and you would like another image to have the exact EXIF information. exiftool -TagsFromFile CopyFromFile.NEF ToFile.JPG This works in both Windows and […]

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Photo etc

Set photo filedate and time according to EXIF info

Sometimes a image files creation date is wrong and have to be corrected. This is a script I use to set a files creation date to the photos date retrieved from EXIF tags. The exiftool program should be available to run this script. #!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; $|++; use Image::ExifTool qw(ImageInfo); use Time::Local; for my […]

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Photo etc

Organise images using exiftool

Move all files from directory dir into directories named by the original file extensions exiftool ‘-Directory<datetimeoriginal> Rename all images in dir according to the CreateDate date and time, adding a copy number with leading ‘-‘ if the file already exists (%-c), and preserving the original file extension (%e). Note the extra ‘%’ necessary to escape […]

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