Configure VLAN on top of network team using nmcli / NetworkManager

This post is almost similar as the previous where I created a team with two network nics as members using NetworkManager nmcli from a console. This time I have added a VLAN on top of my LACP network team with two member nics.

First we need to install the teamd package if it is not already installed.

# yum install teamd

Using the console command nmcli and NetworkManager and a json-config file with the default config for the team, filename team-master-conf.json:

        "runner":       {
                "active": true,
                "fast_rate": true,
                "name": "lacp",
                "tx_hash": [ "eth", "ipv4" ]
        "tx_balancer":  { "name": "basic" },
        "link_watch":   { "name": "ethtool" }
# nmcli con add type team con-name team0 ifname team0 config team-master-conf.json
# nmcli con add type team-slave con-name team0-em1 ifname em1 master team0
# nmcli con add type team-slave con-name team0-em2 ifname em2 master team0

I have not added an IP-address to the new team since I will add that on the VLAN interface.

Check the status of the team

# nmcli con status
NAME               UUID                                  TYPE            DEVICE
team0              7f0c0038-b8c1-45bb-a286-501d02304700  team            team0
team0-em1          0394e2ae-6610-4997-92db-775876866d0d  802-3-ethernet  em1
team0-em2          7050d641-83bb-497a-ae23-6af029386117  802-3-ethernet  em2

Check the state of the team

# teamdctl team0 state
  runner: lacp
    link watches:
      link summary: up
        name: ethtool
        link: up
        down count: 1
      aggregator ID: 12, Selected
      selected: yes
      state: current
    link watches:
      link summary: up
        name: ethtool
        link: up
        down count: 0
      aggregator ID: 12, Selected
      selected: yes
      state: current
  active: yes
  fast rate: yes

Add a VLAN to the network team

# nmcli con add type vlan con-name team0-vlan12 dev team0 id 12 ip4 gw4

The new config looks like this

# nmcli con s | grep team
team0              7f0c0038-b8c1-45bb-a286-501d02304700  team            team0
team0-vlan12       d5de0d83-d490-4535-915c-4cbdcf39830b  vlan            team0.12
team0-em1          0394e2ae-6610-4997-92db-775876866d0d  802-3-ethernet  em1
team0-em2          7050d641-83bb-497a-ae23-6af029386117  802-3-ethernet  em2

This config is confirmed working on RHEL 7.4 and Centos.
I assume the switch is configured as needed before starting this config on the server.