mysql alternative to PHP substr_count function
The substr_count function in PHP counts the number of substring occurrences. This post describes how to create a mysql stored function to behave just like PHP’s substr_count function.
This function can be created from your mysql console
delimiter || DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS substrCount|| CREATE FUNCTION substrCount(s VARCHAR(255), ss VARCHAR(255)) RETURNS TINYINT(3) UNSIGNED LANGUAGE SQL NOT DETERMINISTIC READS SQL DATA BEGIN DECLARE count TINYINT(3) UNSIGNED; DECLARE offset TINYINT(3) UNSIGNED; DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR SQLSTATE '02000' SET s = NULL; SET count = 0; SET offset = 1; REPEAT IF NOT ISNULL(s) AND offset > 0 THEN SET offset = LOCATE(ss, s, offset); IF offset > 0 THEN SET count = count + 1; SET offset = offset + 1; END IF; END IF; UNTIL ISNULL(s) OR offset = 0 END REPEAT; RETURN count; END; || delimiter ;
Example 1
SELECT substrCount('/this/is/a/path', '/') `count`;
`count` would return 4 in this case. Can be used in such cases where you might want to find the “depth” of a path, or for many other uses.
This function is great to count the content of mysql ENUM and SET field data types.
Example 2
SELECT substrcount( `tablename` , ',' ) as tablename FROM `tablename` where substrcount( `tablename` , ',' );
The content of table named tablename is a comma separated list generated from mysql ENUM datatype
In Example 2 the result from this query would be 9, telling us that there are 9 commas in this tablerow.