
WordPress pagination test

This is just a test post to test pagination in WordPress. Pagination is unfortunately a function that not all theme creators implement. You can paginate by using the <!–nextpage–> Quicktag. More information about wordpress pagination can be found in WordPress documentation http://codex.wordpress.org/Template_Tags/wp_link_pages.

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Rate-limit the amount of iptables logging

It is a good idea to place a log chain just above your drop or reject rule and usually you would do a -A INPUT -j LOG The above rule can cause flooding your system. You should instead use the following iptables rule to avoid your logs being flooded and DDOS’ing -A INPUT -m limit […]

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Determine which interface is eth0

It can sometimes be difficult to determine which networcard is eth0, eth1 and so on. A easy way to determine it is to use the ethtool command ethtool -p eth0 10 This makes the network cards LED blink for 10 seconds, and this happens without interrupting the network traffic. You do offcourse need physical access […]

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