ossec-hids med nmap integrert

Ossec kan lese nmap grepable filer og bruke de som en verktøy for å sjekke og varsle om host endringer.
Følgende endringer er gjort for å få det til å fungere.

Nmap correlation
Ossec can read nmap grepable output files to use as a correlation tool and also to alert based on host information changes. Follow the step by step below on how to configure ossec:

1. Add the nmap output file on ossec.conf (generally at /var/ossec/etc/ossec.conf):
2. If the file does not exist, touch it:
ossec-test# touch /var/log/nmap-out.log
3. Restart ossec:
ossec-test# /var/ossec/bin/ossec-control restart
4. Run your nmap scans (example scanning network):
ossec-test# nmap --append_output -sU -sT -oG /var/log/nmap-out.log

NOTE:  I've found that this is handiest when paired with a routine nmap scan.
5. So add the above line to your crontab.
ossec-test#crontab -e
15 * * * * nmap --append_output -sU -sT -oG /var/log/nmap-out.log


Example of alert when a new host is found:

** Alert 1152058913.238: mail
2006 Jul 04 20:21:53 /var/log/nmap-out.log
Rule: 15 (level 8) -> 'New host information added.'
Src IP: (none)
User: (none)
Host:, open ports: 21(tcp) 22(tcp) 80(tcp) 113(tcp) 514(udp) 1514(udp) 4500(udp)


Example of alert when a new a host information is changed:

** Alert 1152058983.487: mail
2006 Jul 04 20:23:03 /var/log/nmap-out.log
Rule: 15 (level 8) -> 'Host information changed.'
Src IP: (none)
User: (none)
Host:, open ports: 54(udp) 8080(tcp) 161(udp) 520(udp) 1025(udp) 1900(udp)
Previously open ports: 53(udp) 80(tcp) 161(udp) 520(udp) 1025(udp) 1900(udp)