
Configure network team using nmcli / NetworkManager

This is a short post on how to create a LACP network team with two member nics using NetworkManager and nmcli. Configuring av network team is very similar to creating a bond. First we need to install the teamd package if it is not already installed. # yum install teamd I have also included a […]

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Exclude certain packages from yum-cron (but not from yum)

This is a solution for how you can exclude certain packages being updated when using yum-cron. Docker and kernel are packages I would like to exclude from yum-cron. The solution to this is to modify the /etc/yum/yum-cron.conf file adding this to the [base] section RHEL7/Centos7 [base] … exclude = kernel* docker* On RHEL6/Centos6 you can […]

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Hammer script to get output from Job by id

This is a simple script I use to export the details from a Job run in Red Hat Satellite 6.2 using hammer from the console. #!/bin/bash # Redhat Satellite Job query by id using hammer if [ $1 -eq $1 ] 2>/dev/null; then # get hosts run by ID JOBHOSTS=$(hammer job-invocation info –id $1 | […]

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Installing build-essentials in CentOS or Ubuntu

This post desrcibes how to install “build-essentials” on CentOS/RedHat og Ubuntu/Debian. build-essentials provides the packages you need to build or compile source code (make and gcc) and create binary files. The build-essentials package is a quick way to install the packages needed to compile VMware Tools on a VMware guest. In Ubuntu $ sudo aptitude […]

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