Photo etc

Watermark pictures using exiv2

Quick and dirty batch script to watermark and add IPTC data to a set of files in the supplied dir to -Copyright. #!/bin/bash # Copyright Andy Wright – 2006. # You have permission to do what you want with it as long as you don’t # blame me if it insults your mother etc. […]

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Watermark images with imagemagick ++

Script som legger til watermark tekst: #!/bin/bash width=`identify -format %w DSC06861.JPG`; \ convert -background ‘#0008’ -fill white -gravity center -size ${width}x90 \ -pointsize 36 \ caption:”Copyright (c) 2007” \ +size DSC06861.JPG +swap -gravity north -composite Output_image_watermarked.jpg Vis hvilke bildeformater imagemagick støtter: convert identify -list format

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