SSH login Expect script to supply password
Expect script to supply root/admin password for remote SSH server and execute command.
A chronological documentation test project, nothing serious, really!
Expect script to supply root/admin password for remote SSH server and execute command.
Using -L on the command line with SSh will bind a remote port to a local one. For instance, if you wanted to tunnel the port for a remote desktop (usually 5901) to a local machine, you would type the following ssh -L 5901:localhost:5901 remote_ip You could then access your remote desktop by connecting your […]
When I need to transfer lots of files or directories between computers, I usually use tar and ssh together. Last time I used it however, I realized that perhaps not everyone knows how to do this. The procedure is very simple, and a full command could look something like this: tar -cf – directory/ | […]
It is ideal to slow down the SSH dictionary attack when the infested host started to brute force the SSH authentication. There are many scripts/user-land daemons that perform monitoring and blocking. I prefer to use something that has less demand in memory/CPU usage. IPTables module provides a kernel level solution with little overhead.
date >> ssh-intruders.log ; cat /var/log/secure | grep -i “sshd.*authentication failure” | sort | awk ‘{FS=”rhost=”; print $2}’ | awk ‘{FS=”user=”; print $1}’ | grep “.*\..*\.” | grep -v “” | grep -v “” | sort | uniq | while read i; do counter=`grep -i “$i” /var/log/secure | wc -l` ; echo “$counter attempts by […]