
Using sudo in RedHat

This post describes how to allow users in the wheel group to use the sudo command without being prompted for the root password Edit /etc/sudoers Uncomment the line %WHEEL ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL Add a user to the wheel group # gpasswd -a username wheel This does also work on Fedora and other Redhat based distributions.

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Using arp_announce

It is possible to control which source address is put in to ARP headers using the ARP_ANNOUNCE option in the kernel. It takes the following values. 0 (default) Any local address 1 Use address from the same subnet as the target address 2 prefer primary address. This is worth knowing because the default can give […]

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Remove duplicate packages when querying the rpm database

Today I had to solve a RPM problem on a Red Hat Enterprise Linux WS release 4 (Nahant Update 6) system (RHEL4) where there were duplicate packages when querying the rpm database. This had happened after an upgrade to update 6 using up2date from the command line. It seemed like i386 and x64 packages had […]

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