
Courier-IMAP to Dovecot Migration Script

I’ve just migrated a couple of servers from Courier-IMAP to Dovecot, and am very happy with the latter so far. I thought I’d share the courier2dovecot shell script I whipped together (based on the instructions I found in the migration how-to), for converting Courier-IMAP maildirs to Dovecot format. While the script is rather simple, it […]

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Detecting changes to your network services/damons

This is a tutorial to detect changes in port from hosts on your network. The basic approach is to ping every available address upon your subnet and see which ones are up by detecting replies. If you install the package libperl-net-ping you can use the following script to see which hosts upon your LAN are […]

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Change desktop images based on CPU load via a script

On a few recent occasions, I have had to catch and fix runaway CPU-hog zombie processes. Usually, I notice these after a being frustrated for a period of time by slow machine response times. Using the w command in a terminal shows that my CPU load is too high, but I often don’t think to […]

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