Photo etc

Rotate and rename images according to their EXIF info

This is my short script to rotate and rename image files accoring to date captured based on their EXIF info. You need jhead and exiv2 to run this. These two programs are also available in Windows and only require you to make small changes to work there as well. #!/bin/bash -x echo Rotating JPEG file(s) […]

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Photo etc

Rename image files according to EXIF date

This rename trick can be run in Windows, Linux and even Mac since the commandline program I’m going to use, exiv2, is available in all three platforms. Rename all image files in current folder to the format YYYYMMDDHHMM_Filename.EXT This has been tested on my Nikon D80 JPEG and NEF image files. Linux exiv2 -r’%Y%m%d-%H%M_:basename:’ rename […]

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dcraw examples

dcraw is a linux/Windows command line tool. It can convert RAW-files and that does also include Nikons NEF-files. Raw photo decoder “dcraw” v8.73 by Dave Coffin, dcoffin a cybercom o net Usage: dcraw [OPTION]… [FILE]… -v Print verbose messages -c Write image data to standard output -e Extract embedded thumbnail image -i Identify files without […]

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Shell scripts for archiving digital photos in directories by month

This is my version of the shell script “Shell scripts for archiving digital photos in directories by date“. It utilizes  the exiftags command available in most linux distributions like Gentoo and debian Linux. Though the metacam program is also usefull since it can read Nikon NEF-files.Here’s an example of a directory tree they create: 2006 […]

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