
Backup mysql databases into separate files

This bach script makes separate backup files of all the databases in mysql and saves the result in the mysql_backup folder. #!/bin/bash -v USERNAME=’yourusername’ PASSWORD=’yourpassword’ HOSTNAME=’yourhostname’ BackupFolder=’/backup’ for i in $(echo ‘SHOW DATABASES;’ | mysql –user $USERNAME -p$PASSWORD -h $HOSTNAME | grep -v ‘^Database$’ ); do mysqldump –user $USERNAME -p$PASSWORD -h $HOSTNAME –opt $i > […]

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Script to backup MySql database

#!/bin/bash # Shell script to backup MySql database # To backup Nysql databases file to /backup dir and later pick up by your # script. You can skip few databases from backup too. MyUSER=”SET-MYSQL-USER-NAME” # USERNAME MyPASS=”SET-PASSWORD” # PASSWORD MyHOST=”localhost” # Hostname # Linux bin paths, change this if it can’t be autodetected via which […]

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Shell script to backup mySQL database

Shell script to backup MySql database mysql-backup.bash #!/bin/bash # Shell script to backup MySql database # To backup Nysql databases file to /backup dir and later pick up by your # script. You can skip few databases from backup too. # For more info please see (Installation info): # # Last updated: Aug – […]

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Copying One mySQL database from one machine to another

# mysqldump -h -u root -p password sourceDB | mysql -h -u username -p password -C targetDB Interestingly, you don’t actually have be on the ‘source’ machine thanks to mySQL’s -h switch. From the target machine, simply specify the remote host after the -h. This was quite useful for me as my source […]

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