
Create a photo collage using imagemagick

I use imagemagick to create index images to my photo albums to get a quick overview without looking through all the pictures. This is how I create a simple photo collage using imagemagicks montage command montage -label ‘%t\n%wx%h’ -resize 150×150 ‘*.JPG’ -geometry +3+3 -tile 3x -frame 5 _Index.JPG

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Adjust images to a digital frame (480×234 pixels)

This bash script adjusts images to fit in a digital frame with a resolution of 480×234 pixels however by using the size 832×468 pictures are displayed sharper on some frames. Normally, narrower pictures will have black borders at both sides when displayed. but this script makes the border color the average of the picture. The […]

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Photo etc

Create a photo montage using imagemagick

This is a little bash script I put together to create a photo montage with 5 resized pitures in max 3 rows using imagemagick. The script is run from within the folder I have filled with the JPG images I want to create a montage from. #!/bin/bashfor image in `ls *.JPG`  do    convert -resize […]

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