
Script to unmount Busy Devices

First the script tries to umount the drive normally. If that fails, it tries to restart famd which is the most common problem. If that fails it tries to restart xinetd. If that fails it uses the command fuser -ki which asks you if you want to kill each process that’s using that folder. Be […]

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Rule-based DoS attacks prevention shell script

Dette scriptet er ikke testet samt DoS bør hindres på kernel nivå! A simple rule-based DoS attack-prevention shell script. However, the proposed shell script is not a perfect tool for preventing DoS attacks, but a powerful tool for alleviating DoS attacks overheads of the Linux servers significantly.

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Monitoring /var/log/secure for break-in attempts

date >> ssh-intruders.log ; cat /var/log/secure | grep -i “sshd.*authentication failure” | sort | awk ‘{FS=”rhost=”; print $2}’ | awk ‘{FS=”user=”; print $1}’ | grep “.*\..*\.” | grep -v “” | grep -v “” | sort | uniq | while read i; do counter=`grep -i “$i” /var/log/secure | wc -l` ; echo “$counter attempts by […]

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