
Virtualize physical Ubuntu linux server

This post describes how to create a bit for bit copy of a Ubuntu 14.04 LTS server using tools like gddrescue and qemu from a Ubuntu Live-CD. This procedure can actually be used to create a copy of any operating system, not just Ubuntu. This could probably have been done more easily and faster using […]

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Rescue a damaged disk using GNU ddrescue

GNU ddrescue (gddrescue) is a linux data recovery tool. It copies data from one file or block device (harddisc, cdrom, etc) to another, trying hard to rescue data in case of read errors. It can also be used as a forensic cloning tool. Installing gddrescue in Ubuntu linux # aptitude install gddrescue The command to […]

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Datarecovery using Ubuntu Linux

This post describes my workflow in recovering data from defective harddrives. These harddrives are usually not readable in Windows and in most cases not even readable or mountable in linux as well. One of the great things with linux is all the tools that are available, just do a Google search and you find forum […]

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