
Howto decompose a SWF Adobe Flash file

This post describes howto decompose a SWF Flash-file using linux and a program named swfextract. The post came to life because I had to do some changes to one of my flash presentations but I had deleted all the source files. After searching the Internet i doscovered swfextract. SWF Tools is a collection of SWF […]

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Howto make Adobe Flash work on 64-bit Ubuntu

This post is actually not a HOWTO, but a quick tip on how to install Adobe Flash 10 in 64-bit Ubuntu. I’ve tested this in Ubuntu 9.4 with great success using the following commands from a console window. wget && sudo chmod +x && sudo sh ./ Note! Please read through the script […]

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Valid Flash

I’ve gotten tired of my Flashpresentation movies not being valid HTML. After some research and a tip from a friend of mine I found this solution to the problem. <object type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” data=”images/banner.swf” width=”288″ height=”128″> <param name=”movie” value=”images/banner.swf” /> <img src=”banner.gif” width=”288″ height=”128″ alt=”banner” /> </object> It works great and shows a image file if Flash […]

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Creating ScreenCapture Videos in Linux

A solution that is fast flexible and gives great results. It is not Open Source but it is a free download for Linux. You may have heard of it before. Wink is a utility for creating flash/swf based presentations.

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