
Howto install Skype on a 64bit Ubuntu 9.04

This post describes how to install Skype, the popular VOIP and video conference program on a 64bit Ubuntu 9.04 (Jauty Jackalope) system. # sudo apt-get install ia32-libs lib32asound2 libqt4-core libqt4-gui # wget -O skype-install.deb # sudo dpkg -i –force-architecture skype-install.deb The application should now be located under Applications -> Internet -> Skype.

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ufw and IP masquerading

I’ve just upgraded my home server from Ubuntu 8.10 to 9.04 and experienced that my ufw firewall (iptables) would not route traffic from my local network to the Internet. My IP masquerading was not working anymore and since I had not documented the process when I set it up I had to search the Ubuntu […]

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Howto make Adobe Flash work on 64-bit Ubuntu

This post is actually not a HOWTO, but a quick tip on how to install Adobe Flash 10 in 64-bit Ubuntu. I’ve tested this in Ubuntu 9.4 with great success using the following commands from a console window. wget && sudo chmod +x && sudo sh ./ Note! Please read through the script […]

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