Using sed to replace text with slashes
This is the right way to replace slashes sed -e ‘s,/usr/bin,/home/bin,g’ Usually you replace text this way sed -e ‘s/text1/text2/g’ You can use any character in place of those slashes.
A chronological documentation test project, nothing serious, really!
This is the right way to replace slashes sed -e ‘s,/usr/bin,/home/bin,g’ Usually you replace text this way sed -e ‘s/text1/text2/g’ You can use any character in place of those slashes.
The jhead program be used to add or modify comments in JPEG image files. However I found using the -ce option to ‘edit comments’ not a good way to do that as it adds an extra newline to the end of the comment.
eZ Publish kom med denne feilmelding i dag jeg fikk ikke endret eller laget nye artikler, eller for den saks skyld lagt til nytt innhold generelt. I loggen til eZ Publish sto følgende feilmelding Transaction in progress failed due to DB error, transaction was rollbacked. Feilen viste seg å være at databasen til eZ Publish […]