MySQL search and replace
This is a simple SQL query to perform search and replace in a MySQL table update tablename set fieldname = replace(fieldname,’search_for_this’,’replace_with_this’);
A chronological documentation test project, nothing serious, really!
This is a simple SQL query to perform search and replace in a MySQL table update tablename set fieldname = replace(fieldname,’search_for_this’,’replace_with_this’);
It is sometimes necessary to run two instances of mysql, like in my case. I need a mysql database in addition to the one Zimbra uses. One solution to this problem is to run the mysql database on a non default socket. This can be done by changing the following line in my.cnf my.cnf [client] […]
Vlogger is a program that handles large amounts of virtualhost logs and splits it to separate files. This is a short HOWTO to configure it using Apache. Install vlogger in debian etch # aptitude install vlogger Make sure you have working Apache server Configuring vlogger Change the LogFormat line (there are multiple LogFormat lines – […]
This is a little script I’ve written to correct all my image files since the EXIF timestamp information is one hour out of sync. The filenames have been renamed to comply to the EXIF information and has to be renamed again because of the one hour scew. The filename can look something like this 20080102-1201_DSC_0910.JPG […]