
Rule-based DoS attacks prevention shell script

Dette scriptet er ikke testet samt DoS bør hindres på kernel nivå! A simple rule-based DoS attack-prevention shell script. However, the proposed shell script is not a perfect tool for preventing DoS attacks, but a powerful tool for alleviating DoS attacks overheads of the Linux servers significantly.

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Kernel Panic Reboot

By default after a kernel panic Linux just sits there and waits for a user to hit the restart button. That can be a bad thing if it’s a remote server.

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Monitoring /var/log/secure for break-in attempts

date >> ssh-intruders.log ; cat /var/log/secure | grep -i “sshd.*authentication failure” | sort | awk ‘{FS=”rhost=”; print $2}’ | awk ‘{FS=”user=”; print $1}’ | grep “.*\..*\.” | grep -v “” | grep -v “” | sort | uniq | while read i; do counter=`grep -i “$i” /var/log/secure | wc -l` ; echo “$counter attempts by […]

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