MySQL search and replace
This is a simple SQL query to perform search and replace in a MySQL table update tablename set fieldname = replace(fieldname,’search_for_this’,’replace_with_this’);
A chronological documentation test project, nothing serious, really!
This is a simple SQL query to perform search and replace in a MySQL table update tablename set fieldname = replace(fieldname,’search_for_this’,’replace_with_this’);
This is a little script I’ve written to correct all my image files since the EXIF timestamp information is one hour out of sync. The filenames have been renamed to comply to the EXIF information and has to be renamed again because of the one hour scew. The filename can look something like this 20080102-1201_DSC_0910.JPG […]
This is a little HOWTO (or tutorial) about swapping/inverting two color channels. I will swap the red and the blue color channel using Adobe Photoshop CS 3 to create a more “normal” looking picture with a blue sky on my infrared photo taken with my Nikon D80 and a Hoya R72 67mm IR-filter. I will […]
I’ve now installed the Highlight Source Pro plugin for my WordPress installation to see if this is something that will make scripts and code snippets better to view and work with.
This is just a test post to test pagination in WordPress. Pagination is unfortunately a function that not all theme creators implement. You can paginate by using the <!–nextpage–> Quicktag. More information about wordpress pagination can be found in WordPress documentation