Formatting date in MS-DOS batch file
I needed to make a simple MS-DOS backupscript in Windows XP today and the files were supposed to be stored in folders named by the current date, ISO style.
I ended up formatting the date using the following command
echo %date:~6,8%-%date:~3,2%-%date:~0,2%
The script
@echo off REM Declare variables Set TODAYSDATE=%date:~6,8%-%date:~3,2%-%date:~0,2% Set DATADRIVE=c: Set DATAFOLDER=Temp Set BACKUPDRIVE=c: Set BACKUPFOLDER=Backup REM Make Backup folders mkdir %BACKUPFOLDER% mkdir %BACKUPFOLDER%%TODAYSDATE% REM Copy files to todays backup folder xcopy /e /v /c /f /h /z /y %DATADRIVE%%DATAFOLDER%* %BACKUPDRIVE%%BACKUPFOLDER%%TODAYSDATE%
The script creates a backup folder and copies files from a datafolder and stores them in todays backupfolder.
Do note that the date command prints the date in the format DD.MM.YYY, 02.10.2007
This script has been run on a daily basis through Windows Scheduler.
It looks like this is probably locale-specific, unfortunately. On my machine (Windows XP, US-English), I used this to print the date:
echo %date:~10,4%-%date:~4,2%-%date:~7,2%