axel, a wget alternative, ultra fast command line download accelerator
axel – a light download accelerator for Linux command line.
A chronological documentation test project, nothing serious, really!
axel – a light download accelerator for Linux command line.
However, when it comes to command line (shell prompt) wget the non-interactive downloader rules. It supports http, ftp, https protocols along with authentication facility, and tons of options. Here are some tips to get most out of it: Download a single file using wget $ wget $ wget Download multiple files on command […]
What is Port Knocking? Port knocking is a method by which you can dynamically open ports on your server to a single IP address. Port knocking allows you to transparently run a service on your server without exposing the services of that port to all IP addresses. In practice, it is very similar to having […]
By default, MySQL (on Debian) doesn’t listen on the public interface: #netstat -l tcp 0 0* LISTEN 1768/mysqld In /etc/mysql/my.cnf, comment out the bind line: #bind-address = And restart MySQL. Then it will listen on the public interface, and you should be able to connect. #netstat -l tcp 0 0* […]
If you get an error about client authentication version when connecting to MySQL then it may be because your server is using the new password format, while your mysql client (or PHP script, or JDBC code) is using the old password format. See: You can change a new password to an old password like […]