
Finding which package contains a file in Debian

There are times when you’re looking for a particular library, or file, which you know is available to Debian/Ubuntu but you cannot find the package which contains it. This is the kind of job that the Debian packages site helped with in the past, but given its current unavailability we’ll look at another approach.

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Squid site restrictions

I needed a way to block some websites permanently and others outside of certain hours. After looking at some inline solutions I realised that I could easily do what was needed with squid alone. I created the following ACLs in squid’s config file : acl blockedsites url_regex -i “/etc/squid/blocked.txt” acl bannedsites url_regex -i “/etc/squid/banned.txt” acl […]

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Detecting changes to your network services/damons

This is a tutorial to detect changes in port from hosts on your network. The basic approach is to ping every available address upon your subnet and see which ones are up by detecting replies. If you install the package libperl-net-ping you can use the following script to see which hosts upon your LAN are […]

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